Sunday, March 28, 2010

Project 1 - art assets

Yes, the first challenge for Russ is here!

Here are the rules:

1. Use all assets on the given page. Size and duplicates of the assets are allowed.

That's it!

Now go make a game outta these things!


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Challenging Stage

This looks like a Tron 2 tie in, but it's a good bit of trivia.  I think you can get something promotional if you get them all.  I got about 30 before I realized I should have logged in.

Challenging Stage

Monday, March 22, 2010

A Series of Meaningful Choices

This is the inaugural post of this blog. Now, whether or not Sid Meier actually said the quote, or some derivation of it is moot. This blog is about gameplay and games, however you want to define them.

Postings linking to interesting games and useful articles will appear here, but this is also a space for a project that YJ and I will be doing.

Games can be defined by being comprised of 4 parts: gameplay, art, story, and technology. On a weekly basis, YJ will create art for me. I have no idea what the pieces will look like, but my task will be to come up with rules and make a game that revolves around a theme defined by the pieces or something taken from Jesse Schell's Deck of Lenses. If the game is served by a story, then we'll come up with one. Mercifully, these being analog games, the technology side will probably amount to a printer and scissors.